Hi , im swarup proficient in MERN stack technologies and also UI designing using figma in this article, Im focusing on showing my UI portfolio, you could also have a look at my full stack

portfolio. (LINK : https://port-nine-theta.vercel.app/ )

UI/UX portfolio

I'm eager to contribute my design skills and learn from a dynamic team. Here's a look at my previous work:

Project 1: UI design for PIZZAHUT

Created user interfaces for a pizzahut. Develop engaging and intuitive UI elements.Added prototyping features inorder to make the design more lucrative.

LINK: https://www.figma.com/proto/XBGAeko2dZvnAqn4TfGwUI?node-id=0-1&mode=design&t=2qp8TXjqJ3O73eqa-6

Project 2: UI design for DONUZZ

created a user interface for Donuzz , displays types of donuts available with them, used

prototyping and motion design to make it look fashionable.

LINK: https://www.figma.com/proto/Bo3CnPcjmgugGhLOJK42v2/donut?node-id=1-2&starting-point-node-id=1%3A2

Project 3: UI design of KRYPTO

krypto is a NFT based startup mainly focusing on selling and buying NFT. I built a landing page for this company through figma.

Link: https://www.figma.com/proto/vIe0piTDTDsxcWsb8TczdR?node-id=0-1&mode=design&t=2qp8TXjqJ3O73eqa-6

Project 4: UI design for OYO